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pleasure [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈplɛʒər/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈplɛʒɚ/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(plezhər) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 WR Apps: Android & iPhone Word of the day Inflections of 'pleasure' (v): (⇒ conjugate)pleasuresv 3rd person singular pleasuringv pres p pleasuredv past pleasuredv past p

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 pleasure n (enjoyment)SCSimplified Chinese 满足 mǎn zú TCTraditional Chinese 滿足   SCSimplified Chinese 享受 mǎn zú,xiǎng shòu TCTraditional Chinese 享受   SCSimplified Chinese 乐趣 mǎn zú,lè qù  Eating chocolate brings Sally great pleasure.  吃巧克力给赛莉带来了莫大的享受。 pleasure n (agreeable feeling)SCSimplified Chinese 高兴 gāo xìng TCTraditional Chinese 高興   SCSimplified Chinese 快乐 gāo xìng ,kuài lè TCTraditional Chinese 快樂  It's a pleasure to meet you.  很高兴见到你。 pleasure n (not work)SCSimplified Chinese 娱乐 yú lè TCTraditional Chinese 娛樂   SCSimplified Chinese 玩乐 yú lè ,wán lè   SCSimplified Chinese 消遣 yú lè ,xiāo qiǎn  Are you travelling for business or pleasure?  你的旅行目的是商务还是娱乐?   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 pleasure n (enjoyed activity)SCSimplified Chinese 乐趣 lè qù   SCSimplified Chinese 乐事 lè qù ,lè shì   SCSimplified Chinese 给人带来快乐的事 lè qù ,gěi rén dài lái kuài lè de shì  Gardening was his only pleasure.  园艺是他唯一的乐趣。 pleasure n formal (will, desire)SCSimplified Chinese 意愿 yì yuàn TCTraditional Chinese 意願 / 意愿   SCSimplified Chinese 想法 yì yuàn,xiǎng fǎ TCTraditional Chinese 想法   SCSimplified Chinese 愿望 yì yuàn,yuàn wàng TCTraditional Chinese 願望 / 愿望  What is your pleasure, sir? pleasure [sb]⇒ vtr (please sexually)SCSimplified Chinese 使性欲满足 shǐ xìng yù mǎn zú  A considerate man will find new ways of pleasuring his lover.  一位体贴的男士总是会想办法满足自己的爱人。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语pleasure英语中文 take pleasure in [sth] vtr phrasal insep (enjoy)SCSimplified Chinese 以…为乐 yǐ wéi lè TCTraditional Chinese 以…為樂   SCSimplified Chinese 从…中得到乐趣 yǐ wéi lè,cóng zhōng dé dào lè qù  They seemed to take pleasure in my obvious discomfort.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:pleasure英语中文 give pleasure vi (be enjoyable)SCSimplified Chinese 带来欢乐 dài lái huān lè TCTraditional Chinese 帶來歡樂   SCSimplified Chinese 带来快乐 dài lái huān lè,dài lái kuài lè  A beautiful sunset always gives me pleasure. guilty pleasure n (enjoyable but bad)SCSimplified Chinese 罪恶快感   SCSimplified Chinese 恶趣味 intense pleasure n (extremely enjoyable sensation)SCSimplified Chinese 极大的乐趣 jí dà de lè qù   SCSimplified Chinese 极乐 jí dà de lè qù ,jí lè  She took intense pleasure from sipping such a fine wine. my pleasure interj (you're welcome)SCSimplified Chinese 这是我的荣幸 zhè shì wǒ de róng xìng   SCSimplified Chinese 不客气 zhè shì wǒ de róng xìng,bú kè qì TCTraditional Chinese 不客氣  A: Thanks for all your help. B: My pleasure.  甲:感谢你的帮助。乙:这是我的荣幸。 physical pleasure n (sensuality, sensuousness)SCSimplified Chinese 感官享受 gǎn guān xiǎng shòu pleasure boat n (recreational vessel)SCSimplified Chinese 游船,游艇 yóu chuán,yóu tǐng pleasure trip n (holiday, vacation)SCSimplified Chinese 游览 yóu lǎn TCTraditional Chinese 遊覽  I've been overseas a few times this year but my trip to Hawaii was the only pleasure trip. pleasure-loving adj (enjoys good things in life)SCSimplified Chinese 喜欢享受的,追求生活乐趣的 pleasure-seeker, pleasure seeker n (person who wants fun, enjoyment)SCSimplified Chinese 享乐主义者,寻欢作乐者 xiǎng lè zhǔ yì zhě,xún huān zuò lè zhě pleasure-seeking n (desire for fun, enjoyment)SCSimplified Chinese 寻欢作乐 xún huān zuò lè TCTraditional Chinese 尋歡作樂   SCSimplified Chinese 享乐 xún huān zuò lè ,xiǎng lè TCTraditional Chinese 享樂 pleasure-seeking adj (looking for fun)SCSimplified Chinese 寻开心的,寻欢作乐的 xún huān zuò lè de sensual pleasure n (sexual enjoyment)SCSimplified Chinese 性快感 xìng kuài gǎn TCTraditional Chinese 性快感  Some people experience sensual pleasure when a partner massages their scalp. sensual pleasure n (physical, sensuous enjoyment)SCSimplified Chinese 感官快感 gǎn guān kuài gǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 感官享受 gǎn guān kuài gǎn,gǎn guān xiǎng shòu  He often experienced a sensual pleasure when eating a chocolate cake. sexual pleasure n (stimulation, enjoyment of sex)SCSimplified Chinese 性愉悦 xìng yú yuè  She received little sexual pleasure from the relationship. The pleasure is all mine. expr formal (You're welcome.)SCSimplified Chinese 这是我的荣幸 zhè shì wǒ de róng xìng  "Thank you for cooking us such a wonderful dinner." "The pleasure is all mine."  “谢谢你为我们做了如此美好的一顿晚餐。”“这是我的荣幸。” with pleasure adv (gladly, willingly)SCSimplified Chinese 愉快地 yú kuài de   SCSimplified Chinese 荣幸地 yú kuài de,róng xìng de   SCSimplified Chinese 乐意地 yú kuài de,lè yì de TCTraditional Chinese 樂意地  Thank you. I accept your invitation with pleasure. with pleasure, my pleasure interj (polite reply to request or thanks)SCSimplified Chinese 不客气,不用谢 bú kè qì,bú yòng xiè TCTraditional Chinese 不客氣   (用来回应他人请求)SCSimplified Chinese 没问题 méi wèn tí TCTraditional Chinese 沒問題   SCSimplified Chinese 荣幸之极   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: pleasure [ˈplɛʒər] n 1 [u] (=happiness, satisfaction) 高兴(興) gāoxìng 2 [u] (=fun) 享乐(樂) xiǎnglè 3 [c] (=enjoyable experience) 乐(樂)事 lèshì [件 jiàn] to take pleasure in sth/in doing sth 乐(樂)于(於)某事/做某事 lèyú mǒushì/zuò mǒushì to give sb great pleasure 使某人很高兴(興) shǐ mǒurén hěn gāoxìng "it's a pleasure", "my pleasure""乐(樂)意效劳(勞)" "lèyì xiàoláo" with pleasure非常愿(願)意 fēicháng yuànyì is this trip for business or pleasure?这(這)趟旅行是出公差还(還)是度假? zhè tàng lǚxíng shì chū gōngchāi háishì dùjià? 在这些条目还发现'pleasure': 在英文解释里: ad libitum - afterglow - anhedonia - autoerotic - bask - boating - chuffed - content - delight - delightedly - Don't mind if I do - drive - effusiveness - enjoy - enjoy the use of - enjoyable - enjoyment - excitation - feast on - forbidden fruit - fruition - gadabout - gallivant - gallivanter - gentleman-farmer - get a kick out of - get off - get your jollies - get your rocks off - go horse riding - go horseback riding - hayride - hedonic - hedonism - hedonist - hedonistic - hot dog - instant gratification - jolly - joy - joyless - junket - labor of love - masochism - peeper - please - pleased - pride - recreational drug - recreational drug use 中文: 乐趣 - 乐 - 享乐 - 性快感 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, PET Vocabulary List - P, 更多……同义词: delight, enjoyment, satisfaction, fulfillment, fulfilment, 更多……习惯性搭配: sexually explicit: pleasure your [lover, boyfriend, wife], a [great, enormous, real, genuine, immense] pleasure, a pleasure [boat, ride, ground, port], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'pleasure' 的论坛讨论:

Learning Chinese is pleasure _____ food can provide energy and pleasure - English Only forum ... at the least sign and token of your majesty’s pleasure - English Only forum ... wild life is contemplated with pleasure by the young ... - English Only forum (take) a pleasure or pleasure in something - English Only forum [These] affirmed that it was pleasure enough - English Only forum a / the pleasure - English Only forum a baser pleasure - English Only forum A Big Pleasure - English Only forum a detainee at Her Majesty´s pleasure - English Only forum A garden is there to give you pleasure, not to be a... - English Only forum a great pleasure/ a real pleasure - English Only forum a guilty pleasure - English Only forum A New World Of Attractions Created For Your Pleasure - English Only forum a people whose bent it is to find pleasure - English Only forum A pleasure - English Only forum A pleasure for the poor baby to fix her faith. - English Only forum a pleasure in philosophy every student feels - English Only forum a pleasure like what the thirst-perishing man ... - English Only forum A pleasure meeting you - English Only forum a pleasure meeting you all the event - English Only forum a pleasure talking to you - English Only forum a pleasure to have a discussion with you - English Only forum a shipwrecked pleasure party - English Only forum a yield of pleasure of another sort but none the less... - English Only forum abandon said thirty-foot pleasure craft - English Only forum aesthetic pleasure - English Only forum All of this we can associate with the pleasure principle. - English Only forum all sources of pleasure are of equal value - English Only forum Also for me it has been a pleasure to meet you. OR ...? - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'pleasure'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "pleasure" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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